Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our Crazy Language

This article wasn't exactly about anything too scientific, but it was humorous and semi-enlightening none-the-less. Questions such as, "Why does, slow down and slow up mean the same thing?" highlight the weirdness of our language. Other idioms are also quite prevalent in our language.

One other thing that was humorous and highlighted is the inconsistency of grammatical principles. One question, "If two mouses are mice and two louses are lice, why aren't two houses hice?" is a common example, and humorous at the same time. This reminds me about the article we read awhile ago that discussed the mathematical relationship between when irregular verbs become regular.

A final type of question or paradox pointed out are things like, "Is there another word for a synonym?" or "What is another word for thesaurus?". These questions are very interesting and point some of the unique and fun aspects of our language. Overall, these sometimes subtle nuances or blatant abuses of the "rules" make English a difficult and, to me, interesting language to learn.

Original Article:

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